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Many companies have to rely on data of varying origin and quality for their human resources management when this data is needed for controlling and planning. Poor data quality and time-consuming processes are the result. The internationally successful eCommerce expert shopware AG, the largest manufacturer of online shop systems in Germany, has implemented the noventum HR Analytics software solution with CoPlanner for its HR work. Today, Shopware's HR department is able to provide management with reports and forecasts in various scenarios and to precisely calculate personnel costs with little effort.

Personnel cost planning simple and flexible

Reports and analyses in the HR area are becoming more and more demanding as digitization advances. The various departments of companies want to proactively and strategically plan their HR development and need reliable figures to do so. Providing HR metrics and enabling intuitive analysis of possible correlations and noticeable trends is the challenge HR departments face. Standard reports based on an isolated data stock do not meet the requirements if you want to avoid a high manual effort and error-prone localization and compilation of data from different sources. Even if organizational or departmental structures change, often recurring analyses should not mean additional effort.

The responsible persons of the software company shopware wanted to get a grip on the planning and forecasting of personnel costs and to gain a complete picture of their personnel costs. Until then, the structure and development of personnel costs could only be documented in rudimentary reports. The reason was not least the distribution of the personnel data to different sources, which could only be merged with great effort.

Challenges and solutions

Shopware relied on the noventum solution HRAnalytics with the partner product CoPlanner.

The challenges addressed were:

  • merging and consolidating personnel cost data from different data sources

  • largely automated updating and lean implementation

  • Enabling more detailed planning, forecasting and reporting

These requirements are met by noventum HR-Planning standards, which can be used for a wide range of reporting requirements, such as

  • the automatic generation of planning proposals

  • planning of inflows and outflows or changes

  • the automatic development of dependent costs based on various parameters

After a tight project duration of a few months, the clients at shopware are very satisfied with the result. "The solution allows planning and forecasting in various scenarios and comprehensive reporting for the managers responsible for personnel," states Ralf Marpert. It proved to be advantageous that Microsoft Power BI was used as the reporting basis, a solution that has been established at shopware for some time. This made it possible to draw on existing know-how when implementing the HR analytics solution and to integrate the solution into existing reporting structures.

A final important plus point of noventum HR Analytics for shopware is that the HR data streams can be completely encapsulated from the rest of the business operations and still find their way into the usual reporting landscape for the executives. An independent rights-role system enables a correspondingly careful handling of the confidential data.

HR planning powered by CoPlanner

The HR Planning Standard covers the following services

  • Employee- or job-based personnel cost planning
  • Monthly development based on current HR information
  • Automatic generation of planning proposals
  • Consideration of steps and collective agreement changes
  • Planning of additions and departures or changes
  • Individual planning of salary developments
  • Automatic determination of dependent costs based on parameters
  • Consideration of different persons responsible (HR, cost center, etc.)
  • Workflow support and plausibility checks
  • Extensibility by individual requirements

noventum HR-Analytics mit CoPlanner

noventum HR Analytics harmonizes HR data in a data mart. For personnel cost planning, the headcount data is transferred to the planning tool CoPlanner as a "single point of truth" and starting point. Changes can be easily and flexibly stored there. In coordination with personnel and cost center managers, easily comprehensible simulations are carried out for budget planning and forecasts.

Request a demo

Together we will discuss your professional requirements for business planning, consolidation, personnel cost planning, cost/performance accounting or reporting and we will show you the benefits of a standardized but flexible solution.

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