Author: Dr. Arnold Mettnitzer

Dr. Arnold Mettnitzer, born 19.11. 1952 in Gmünd / Carinthia, studies of theology in Vienna and Rome 1979 - 2001 chaplain in the diocese of Gurk-Klagenfurt 1991 - 1996 Training analysis with Erwin Ringel and training as a psychotherapist (individual psychology) in Vienna since 1996 Psychotherapist in private practice in Vienna As a freelancer for ORF, for 14 years co-creating the program "What I believe" and since 2014 co-creating the 14-day radio series "Lebenswege. About God and the world with Arnold Mettnitzer" on Radio Carinthia.  2013 Awarded the professional title of "Professor" for contributions to radio and television and his lecturing and seminar activities in the context of adult education.